
Creative Idea #Advertising

Invisible Ad, Good Ad, and the Great Ad

Course Name

Invisible Ad, Good Ad, and the Great Ad

Training Goal

• Understanding the distinction between a bad advertisement and a good advertisement. What are the essential elements? • Techniques for generating creative ideas and improving the quality of advertising through craftsmanship. • Developing the necessary mindset to nurture oneself as an advertising creative.

Course Information

Kenneth Tung
Number of Sessions
Student Enrollment Quotas
100 Person(s)
Conditions for Completion
Attendance : 7 Session/ Exam : 0 Point / Task : 3 Point
* A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the survey.
Application period
2023-10-16 ~ 2023-12-06
Course period
2023-11-08 ~ 2023-12-06
Courses Available
For 120 days from the start date
$ 10
* A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the survey.


About instructor

Kenneth Tung

    Kenneth joined Havas Worldwide Hong Kong in 2009. He graduated from Hong Kong Film Directors' Guild in 1993 and started in advertising as a designer at the same year.

    Under his leadership, Havas Hong Kong has won important new businesses and internationally recognized awards with clients such as NowTV, ICBC and Adidas.

    Before joining Havas, he worked at a couple of international advertising agencies for over 20 years such as DDB, Saatchi & Saatchi and Ogilvy Advertising.  His list of Clients includes Mercedes Benz, Peugeot, Disney, P&G, Reckitt-Benckser, Esso, Sony, DBS, Standard Chartered, Lenscrafter, Pizza Hut, Carlsberg, Hong Kong International Airport, Watsons and Kimberly Clark etc. 

    Kenneth has been awarded several global awards including the Clio Award, New York Festivals, Taiwan Times award, Effie award, Spikes Asia award, LongXi award and HK4As. He is also a jury member of LIA 2019, Spike Asia 2021 and most of major local festivals.

Learning content

Lecture 1
Introducing the world of invisible ads
BE DIFFERENT: The fundamental purpose of advertising.
13 Minute
Lecture 2
What to Say and How to Say
AN INTERESTING WAY TO COMMUNICATE: The proper approach of creating a distinctive ad.
13 Minute
Lecture 3
“NO” is a forbidden word
SAYING “WHAT ELSE”: How teamwork is working.
12 Minute
Lecture 4
Art director starts copywriting
WHAT IS YOUR VISUAL STORY?: How an art director starts the ideas of ads.
10 Minute
Lecture 5
The copywriter starts thinking about the visual
VISUALIZING WORDS: To improve copywriting skills.
9 min  39 sec
Lecture 6
Imagination is the only way to beat AI
THE IMAGINATION RULES: Imagination is the most powerful tool of advertising.
13 min  03 sec
Lecture 7
The Uncommon common sense
MEANINGFUL INSIGHT: The key to transforming a good ad into a great ad.
10 min  38 sec
Lecture 8
When everyone feels right about your work, you probably did it wrong
BELIEVING YOUR IDEA: Dare to create a great ad.
10 min  22 sec
Lecture 9
Good idea is the enemy of great idea
The secret to create great works. WORK HARDER
10 min  35 sec
Lecture 10
Think twice before you truly decide to become a great adman.
BEING A LEGEND: The mentality of being a successful adman.
11 min  27 sec
Applications for the lecture have closed.

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