
Creative Idea #Advertising

Develop Creative Concepts. Tell Engaging Stories. Repeat.

Course Name

Develop Creative Concepts. Tell Engaging Stories. Repeat.

Training Goal

There’s no secret to developing creative concepts and telling engaging stories. But many distractions, misleading routes, and all sorts of “creativity foes” might muddle your process and progress. Alex Mota saw it was sometimes caught in the middle but always found a way to get back on track. That is what he’ll share, the ultimate goal being for you to find your way of solving problems and delivering great work.

Course Information

Alex Mota
Number of Sessions
Student Enrollment Quotas
100 Person(s)
Conditions for Completion
Attendance : 10 Session/ Exam : 0 Point / Task : 0 Point
* A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the survey.
Application period
2023-10-16 ~ 2023-12-06
Course period
2023-11-08 ~ 2023-12-06
Courses Available
For 120 days from the start date
$ 10
* A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the survey.


About instructor

Alex Mota

    Alex Mota was born and bred in Rio de Janeiro, but he really grew up in Seville, Barcelona, Bucharest, Doha, and Dubai. Places that helped define him both as a professional and a human being.

    As a pro, he has worked at some of the biggest local ad hot shops and global networks in his home country and abroad as a copywriter, strategic planner, and social media. He has also worked as Head of Digital at one of the biggest Brazilian football clubs (Brazil, football, kind of cliché but true). He has also won a few awards (Effie, AdStars, Dubai Lynx, Lürzer's Archive, FIAP, ABP, Wave, iBest, Colunistas), but it doesn't matter - or it shouldn't. The most important thing is to do the best work possible. If it wins something, great. If not, great. For it was the best work possible.

    As a Carioca (born in Rio de Janeiro), he has many things to tell you. Stories from the cities he has lived, places he has travelled, things he has done. But Cariocas enjoy a good conversation, so he would rather talk to you in person (you can "meet and greet" through Skype, Zoom, Google Meet... tech is here to help you chat).

    Well, this is called "summary" for a reason, so he is done. He hopes to talk to you soon. It would make his Carioca soul really happy.

Learning content

Lecture 1
Where do ideas come from?
Learning how and where to look for stories as the basics of any project.
21 min  06 sec
Lecture 2
I found it, I found it! What next?
Understanding what to do with the results of your research and initial thoughts.
19 min  43 sec
Lecture 3
Ladies and gentlemen: start your engines
Filling your brain with valuable information to warm up your synapses.
20 min  54 sec
Lecture 4
Zombie insights: Did I kill them, or are they back to kill me?
Learning why and how to revisit the insights to strength criteria selection.
21 min  27 sec
Lecture 5
Thinking, observing, and discussing as part of learning.
Analyzing work with a keen eye to refine one’s creative process.
28 min  15 sec
Lecture 6
The winner concept and its long journey to becoming a campaign
Learning the steps before start building creative work.
21 min  19 sec
Lecture 7
Copywriting as our main tool to telling stories
Writing and editing engaging, strong copy. Learning to take criticism and to help people with their copy.
23 min  09 sec
Lecture 8
Where does all your copy go? Well, it depends. On you.
Understanding the different kinds of copy, media, and storytelling to utilize your work better.
19 min  18 sec
Lecture 9
Thinking, observing, and discussing - again - as part of learning.
Analyzing work with a keen eye to refine one’s creative process.
27 min  26 sec
Lecture 10
Do geniuses have nightmares and cry alone at night?
Learning to be true and gentle with yourself to understand your strengths and weaknesses better to become a better creative.
21 min  52 sec
Applications for the lecture have closed.

Copyright Policy

All Rights Reserved. The online course content provided by
Global MAD Academy (hereinafter referred to as "Academy"),
including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, and other media, is protected by the copyright law of the Republic of Korea.

Permission to use this material has been granted exclusively to "Academy" and the Instructor (hereinafter referred to as "Instructor"), who taught the class in which the copyrighted material is used.
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"Academy" and the "Instructor" retain all rights to modify, update, or remove this content at any time without prior notice.

By accessing this course, you agree to comply with all applicable copyright laws and terms of use.
